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Thursday, August 27, 2015

Solving equation using Geometry

Solve the equation:

$$\sqrt{x^2+y^2}+ \sqrt{x^2 + \left ( y-4 \right )^2}+ \sqrt{\left ( x-2 \right )^2+ y^2}+ \sqrt{\left ( x-2 \right )^2+\left ( y-4 \right )^2}=4 \sqrt{5}$$


We may consider $\displaystyle \sqrt{\left ( x-a \right )^2 + \left ( y- b \right )^2}$ as distances between two points. To be more precise let $M(x, y)$ and $A(a, b)$. Now, we are working on the following image.

It is quite obvious that ${\rm AB\Gamma \Delta}$ is a rectangular and its center is ${\rm K}=(1, 2)$. Therefore the initial equation is expressed as:

$$\left ( \rm MA \right )+ \left ( \rm M\Delta \right )+ \left ( \rm MB \right )+ \left ( \rm M\Gamma \right )=4\sqrt{5}$$

However we can easily see that:

$$\left ( \rm MA \right )+ \left ( \rm M\Gamma \right )\geq \left ( \rm A\Gamma \right )=2\sqrt{5} \tag{1}$$

and equality holds when ${\rm M}$ is a point of the segment ${\rm A\Gamma}$.

$$\left ( \rm MB \right )+ \left ( \rm M\Delta \right )\geq \left ( \rm B\Delta \right )= 2\sqrt{5} \tag{2}$$

and equality holds when ${\rm M}$ is a point of the segment ${\rm B\Delta}$.

Adding by parts $(1), \; (2)$ we get that:

$$\left ( \rm MA \right )+ \left ( \rm M\Delta \right )+ \left ( \rm MB \right )+ \left ( \rm M\Gamma \right ) \geq 4\sqrt{5}$$

Equality holds when ${\rm M}$ belongs both at the segment ${\rm A\Gamma}$ and ${\rm B\Delta}$. But there is no other option rather than ${\rm M}$ be ${\rm K}$. Hence the equation has a unique solution which is $(x, y)=(1, 2)$ and the exercise is complete. 


  1. Hi Tolis. Here is my solution to this problem.

    Using Minkowski's Inequality for the left hand side we have


    which means we achieve equality.
    If we check the equality cases, we see that the $"="$ holds when $x=2-x$ and $y=4-y$ or finally when $x=1,y=2$, which are also the values we are seeking.
    This completes the proof.

    1. Thank you George. Nicely done with the Minkowski inequality.
