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Saturday, August 1, 2015

What does a determinant undergo , if ...?

What change does a determinant undergo if to each column (beginning with the second) we add the preceding column and at the same time we add the last to the first?


Let us write $a_1,\ldots,a_n$ for the column vectors of the original matrix $A$. Then the new matrix is $B = (a_1+a_2|a_2+a_3|\cdots|a_n+a_1)$ and by linearity we have
$$ \det(B) = \sum_{i_1,\ldots,i_n \in\{0,1\}} \det(a_{1+i_1}|\cdots |a_{n+i_n})$$ where addition in indices is done modulo $n$. If $i_1=\cdots=i_n = 0$ we have $\det(a_{1+i_1}|\cdots |a_{n+i_n}) = \det(A).$ If $i_1=\cdots=i_n = 1$ we have $\det(a_{1+i_1}|\cdots |a_{n+i_n}) = \det(a_2|a_3|\cdots|a_n|a_1) = (-1)^{n-1}.$ Finally if $i_s = 0$ but $i_t=1$ for some $s,t$ then there is an $r$ with $i_r=1,i_{r+1}=0$. But then $(a_{1+i_1}|\cdots |a_{n+i_n})$ has two equal columns and so its determinant is equal to $0$. Therefore $$\det(B) = (1 + (-1)^{n-1})\det(A)$$

The interested reader can see one more solution using fundamental elements in .

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